This post is the start to yet another series (yes, I know that we still have three other open series that we will be continuing). A few weeks ago the Holy Spirit reminded me of an old Chorus Hymn called: "Seek Ye First". The words from this song have helped me so much that I felt led to share this with you. The lyrics to this song are taken from Matthew 6:33 (see picture below):
Let's begin by defining a few words:
Kingdom - the eternal spiritual sovereignty of God or Christ
- the realm of this sovereignty (or the realm in which God is fulfilled)
Realm - .a royal domain or jurisdiction
- a community or territory over which a sovereign rules
Let's breakdown Matthew 6:33
(it's so simple yet so profound):
1. Seek God first.
2. Do what is right according to God's will.
3. Then everything that we need to complete what God wants us to do will be provided.
Our Heavenly Father's Kingdom is a spiritual realm that transforms what happens in the physical realm. In other words, our prayers, thoughts and dreams will become a physical reality IF it is from God.
A good example of that is found in Acts (see passage below). These verses were from when the religious leaders were discussing what should be done to the apostles who had been freed from jail by God's angel.
Remember, in the "God's Power Within Us" series we learned that we as Believers in Christ should be doing the same miracles as Jesus did - even greater works than He did (see verse below).
(click HERE to read "God's Power Within Us part #10")
Below is that chorus that I mentioned earlier. The second verse of the song is taken from Matthew 7:7
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."
(A special thanks to "Keswick feat. Stewart Townsend - Topic" for sharing this on YouTube)
If we are doing what God's wants us to do then NOTHING will be able to stop us. Also, EVERYTHING that we need for that task will be provided by God.
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